James Stram
James Stram first got involved with Common Ground Relief in 2011, shortly after graduating with a degree in environmental science. After selling all his belongings and traveling the country by bicycle, he found himself at Common Ground's volunteer house, where he was inspired by the enthusiasm, abilities, and effectiveness of the organization’s dedicated team. The connections he made and the power to create real change, even on a small scale, motivated him to commit to the organization. Within six months, he became the program coordinator, leading Common Ground as it shifted its mission to focus on wetlands restoration. Over his eight-year tenure in this role, his strong connection to the natural world fueled a commitment to environmental stewardship, using planting projects to improve the health, function, and beauty of the local ecosystem while educating and empowering others to become stewards. Passionate about the global importance of planting trees, especially in swamp-lands for climate change mitigation, James continues to live in the Lower 9th Ward, a neighborhood he cares deeply about after nearly 14 years of residence. Currently working as a freelance builder and musician, he remains committed to sustainability and stewardship, building his home from mostly salvaged materials and spending much of his time exploring the outdoors.